Why First On Scene?

Why visitors to our website NEED our products and services…

First on Scene™ is the name we chose to give our safety programs because it is precisely then - when you are the first on scene of a life-threatening emergency - that you need to be prepared. If you wait until the emergency occurs, it may be too late.



The Standard of Care Has Changed...

CPR was once considered "The Standard of Care". However, with the advancement of technology, increased awareness and the availability of affordable adjuncts, AEDs have become the new standard in pre-hospital Chain of Survival response! Organizations once concerned about the liabilities of including an AED as part of their response plan have discovered they are now vulnerable if they don't have one!

Time Is Of The Essence (The Problem):

This year nearly 350,000 Americans will suffer from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and most of them (95%) will die before emergency care arrives. Studies show that a shock delivered with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) within a few minutes is the most effective way to increase the chance of survival for victims in ventricular fibrillation.

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Time is of the Essence...

It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. SCA is most often caused by an electrical malfunction in the heart called Ventricular Fibrillation (VF). This condition causes the heart muscle to quiver uselessly and requires a measured pulse of electricity to restore its normal rhythm. Every minute that defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival decreases 7-10% for victims of sudden Cardiac Arrest (see chart)!

CPR may not be Enough...

Even within the most efficient Emergency Medical Services (EMS) systems, response times can take from 6 to 10 minutes or more! In a cardiac arrest emergency, time is of the essence. For every minute defibrillation is delayed, even with CPR, the victim’s chance of survival decreases 7-10%!

Typically, the survival rate for victims of SCA is approximately 5%! However, where victims of Ventricular Fibrillation receive a lifesavingAED shock within 3 minutes of collapsing, the survival rate can jump to 74 percent. By having access to an AED, the odds for survival are dramatically increased.


SCA is the single greatest killer and there is something we can do about it!

What Can I Do About It? (The Solution):

Defibrillation is THE definitive treatment...

Whether you suffer a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in your place of work or in the Hospital Emergency Room, defibrillation is THE definitive treatment... An AED or Automated External Defibrillator is a small, portable device used on victims of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. It analyzes the heart's electrical activity and prompts the user to deliver a shock if it decides the heart needs it. By actuating a button, a shock is delivered to the heart by the AED through the pads placed on the chest. The goal is to convert the disabling rhythm to a normal (pulse producing) rhythm and restore healthy heart function. The sooner the AED is used, the more likely the victim will survive.

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AEDs can be used by anyone...

AEDs are simple in design and may be used by any individual who has completed minimal training. They are specially designed for easy use by the first person to arrive at the scene of a medical emergency. This person can be an emergency medical services worker, a firefighter or police officer, or it can be a layperson with minimal AED training. Patient care is typically transferred to the emergency medical personnel once they arrive on scene. Having an AED on-site helps reduce the time to defibrillation, the most critical factor in surviving sudden cardiac arrest. Remember, every minute that passes before defibrillation reduces survival rates by 7-10 percent.

What the AHA has to say...

"The American Heart Association strongly encourages the [establishment of] AED programs to increase the chances of survival for people with heart related emergencies. With an AED program a person will be better prepared to save the life of a co-worker, friend, family member, or stranger. AEDs have helped save many lives. With a good implementation plan and proper training, one can help save more lives. The goal of every AED program is to deliver defibrillation to a sudden cardiac arrest victim within 3 to 5 minutes of collapse."

Getting Started...


We all agree: AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) save lives. The real question is: How do you go about starting an AED Program? Admittedly, starting an AED Program might sound intimidating. Fortunately, Emergency Responders Network has gone to great lengths to simplify this process by doing most of the work for you! Our First on Scene™ AED Programs incorporate the "Four Pillars" needed to successfully plan, implement and maintain your lifesaving system! Although the steps out lined below are generalized, following them will ensure your AED Program will be up and running before you know it!

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Gain Consensus among Stake holders...

Although YOU understand the benefits of having an AED on your sight, you may need to demonstrate the need for the decision makers. Emergency Responders Network recommends that you familiarize yourself with the information contained in this web site and then direct those individuals to do the same. We think you'll agree: They'll walk away with a clear understanding of the important roll AEDs play in every successful First Responder Program!


Analyze your Site...

Before you begin, it is important that you know Why you need What you need! You should discuss the layout, traffic pattern, hours of operation, etc.. Using the "3 Minute Rule", you should determine unit placement based on a response time of no greater than three minutes. You should be realistic about where the AED can be easily accessed and will be safe from harm (i.e. mounted in an AED cabinet, behind the security desk, etc.). Here we can all become more aware of where the best logical locations of your AEDs and emergency response equipment should be.


Purchase an AED Package or an AED with the Necessary Components...

Once you have determined your program needs, you must, of course, make arrangements to purchase them. Emergency Responders Network offers a range of options designed to fit your specific needs. Whether you purchase a complete package or purchase the item individually, you will need a minimum of the following "Four Pillars" to complete this process:

1. EQUIPMENT: AED, Cabinet, Batteries, Pads, etc..
2. MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION: Prescription required to purchase.
3. TRAINING: Consider having an onsite trainer come to your facility.
4. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT: Develop a plan to implement your program and manage (i.e. monitor) your program.


Organize your Team...

One of the steps in your program development involves deciding who your Medical Emergency Response Team Members will be and getting them trained. Included with all of our First on Scene™ AED Programs, your AED Program Management System will assist you in defining the roles of your team Member(s) and provides an "Program Announcement Letter" template to send out to prospective volunteers. Once you develop your list, we can then begin the process of assembling your team (Hint - this is really no different than deciding who is to be CPR or First Aid trained).


Implement your AED Program...

It doesn't get any easier than this. Thanks to the checklists in our comprehensive Implementation Guide and First on Scene™ AED Packages, you can simply follow the ordered list!


Promote your AED Program...

Part of ensuring the success of your program (both internally and externally) should include making sure people are aware of it! For example, it has been known for some time that the Walt Disney Company recently purchased hundreds of AEDs. It was subsequently announced in the media. They have successfully promoted this as a safety adjunct and enhancement to their existing overall safety program.


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